Mel Geltch | Steward
Mel is a participatory designer, host and harvester of meaningful conversations and collaborative work. She is an Australian steward of the Art of Hosting, and committed to building capacity in this practice wherever it is invited.
Mel cares deeply about co-creating workplaces, communities and systems where people can participate and thrive, and that contribute to a healthier and more peaceful planet. She is a co-founder of Campfire Co-op, practicing a more human way of doing business, and doing purposeful work to help improve human systems. She lives on Djiringanj country, Aboriginal land in a small place known as Mystery Bay on the east coast of Australia. Over the past years, she has formed a close connection and friendships within the Art of Hosting community in Vietnam, and is excited to be back. |
Narayan Silva | StewardNarayan Silva grew up in Brazil but sees himself as a global citizen, with a mixed blood and many years living in various countries in Asia, Europe and the Americas. He holds a MSc. in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, and is guided by his passion to support people and organizations who want to realize their potential for creating positive impact. He experienced his 1st Art of Hosting training almost 10 years ago in Sweden, which had a huge impact in his work. Since then he has dedicated his life to this field, which has allowed him to host collaborative processes for numerous organizations around the world and from all sectors. He lived in Vietnam to co-lead Knowmads Hanoi before moving to Shanghai in 2018, where he works mostly with European multinationals with ambitious sustainability goals, Sino-European governmental partnerships and public institutions.
Linh Pham | Host & Organizer
Linh is a host, a writer and a father. In 2016 he participated in the Knowmads Hanoi Program, where he found his purpose to be of service to the community. He then became a facilitator to continue sharing the benefits of the program to other people. In 2019, he began his career as a writer, telling stories of the beauty and complexity of life around him. Now he is now working with Saigoneer, an online magazine with a focus on lifestyle and culture, where he continues to sneak in AoH practices and mindset.
Since the first AoH in Vietnam in 2016, Linh has dreamed of a training in Vietnamese. Coming to the training this year, he hopes to bring his experiences, learnings and reflections to help the local field flourish. |
Aiko Gross-Kakehashi | Host
Aiko is currently based in Fukuoka, Japan. She is a hosting & harvesting practitioner, a child-life-communicator, and a forest-therapy-guide. She loves exploring the world with her interests in life/education and has a sense to discover rich connections between different cultures/communities. In 2013, she encountered Art of Hosting while traveling in Sweden to inquire good education. As well as Art of Hosting & Harvesting practice, her fieldwork in Koge, a Japanese countryside village, has gifted her a lot. In both of the fields, people are generous to share their crops, skills, time, wisdom and laugh&love, and she sees collective potential there for our better future. She also had taken a permaculture design course in Peru. Her passion is re-localization & re-naturalization for our sustainable life, and now she is trying to build an eco&art village to realize it with others.
Nguyen Thu Trang | Host & OrganizerTrang is a curious being who loves to listen to people’s stories, to dream of what could become possible when different people come together. She’s a core member of Knowmads Hanoi, a social enterprise in alternative education, since its first day in 2013, and a part of Art of Hosting community in Vietnam since 2016. In 2018, Trang graduated from the Master of Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability program in Sweden. Since then, she has spent most of her working time with the factories and organizations that want to cultivate collective intelligence and co-create a collaborative working culture where everyone can show up as their whole self. She serves at the intersection of corporate and community world.
She’s also learning to be a farmer and tailor and co-creating a living community with a group of friends. |
Nguyen Doan Huan | Host & Organizer
Nguyen Doan Huan is a process facilitator and a farmer who always seeks for the connection with life. In the first Art of Hosting training in 2016, he participated in and found out a community where he can practice to become who he wants to be. In 2017 and 2018 he continue to support the Art of Hosting training as a organizer and apprentice. This year, he is one of the caller for the training.
Huan has about 10 experiences in organization development and personal transformation. Now he is working with a group of friends in Knowmads Hanoi to continue his work. |
Tran Minh Hao | Apprentice & OrganizerHao is an ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach), Certified DiSC Trainer, Art of Hosting Practitioner and holds an MBA in Human Resources.
Strongly believes in people’s wholeness and that coaching can help them tap into their inner resources and power, Hao was among pioneer coaches from Hanoi who works actively to develop this career. She now holds an ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach) with over 700 coaching hours. Her clients are: entrepreneurs, C-suite executives, middle managers, parents. She has been supporting staff to develop their capabilities through structured training and is enthusiastic about the betterment of people through hands-on training. Being an Art of Hosting practitioner, Hao is passionate about creating an open environment where all ideas are heard and everyone can contribute their knowledge for a better future. |
Nguyen Lannah | Apprentice & Organizer
Lannah is a life-long learner with pure curiosity about life. She started her working - learning journey in 2002 through interactive theater practice, where she found her passion in learning about human behaviors and psychology. Since then, she has worked with different local and international organizations as a facilitator and a trainer, using theater art and other artistic forms as methodologies for education and personal development.
As a life coach, she focuses on working with body, mind and soul, supporting her clients to create intimate and engaging connection not only with their loved ones, but also, and most importantly, with themselves. |
Nguyen Ngoc Huong (Ellie) | HostEllie is passionate about learning and practicing ways of how people can be better beings together. After joining Knowmads Hanoi program in 2015, she became a facilitator to help share the idea of lifelong learning and alternative education to more people. Also thanks to that program, she experienced the first AoH in 2016, where she found her practice and community.
Ellie works with different individuals, groups and organizations who wish to create meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others. She is also a host of the Flow Game, a tool that helps people and teams reflect deeply about what matters to them through the power of inquiry and collective intelligence. Ellie recently became a mother (aka a 247 host). She finds this new role opens up a whole different field and level of practice, and at the same time empowers her to show up with more presence, responsibility and productivity. |
Tran Thanh Tam | Apprentice & Organizer
Tam is a passionate, polyvalent and hard-working lady, she is originally from Saigon and currently one of top influencers at Officience. While her leadership as an account manager takes an important role in the success of the company’s projects in both IT and data sectors, her open-mindedness and life-long learning spirit earn respect from all colleagues and partners with whom she works with. Her life even becomes more colorful and fulfilling with the hobbies of photography, scuba diving and painting. With the hope of promoting Teal Organization and elaborating practices for Teal people based on the Hosting and Facilitation skills, together with other six fascinating Offies, she has developed the Offy Faci core team since Feb 2020. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, bring her a good milk tea and she will share with you about everything all day long.
Bui Hoang Dzung | Organizer
Dzung is a conscientious and passionate lecturer and capacity-building specialist with twelve years of progressive experience across a broad range of education disciplines and diverse development projects. A life-long learner with proven competency to combine leadership, research, pedagogies and extensive experiences to foster the development of communities and young generations.
Nguyen Tuan Luong | Apprentice
Luong is a social innovator and sustainability practitioner. He is now the Head of Solutions Mapping at UNDP Accelerator Lab Vietnam, where he brings his whole heart, hands, and head to be in service to the great ambition of reimagining how development work is done. Applying social innovation and hosting principles to facilitate Viet Nam’s ecosystem transformation toward sustainability.
Nguyen Manh Hoang | Apprentice
Hoang is a friend, a supporter, a listener, a firm believer in the power of the invitation, of participatory collaboration and authentic connections. From joining Knowmads Hanoi as a participant then a facilitator, to helping organize the first Art of Hosting training in Vỉenam and founding The Learning Hub, to training as a Flow host, he follows the calls that are meaningful to him. Through these journeys, the Art of Hosting has become a fundamental part of Hoang's identity, and he endeavours to introduce and share more of the deep practices in whatever he does, to bring more growth, learning and self-awareness wherever he goes.
Hoang has recently added a small coffee shop to the extensive list of things he has done, and is eager for even more adventure moving forward. |
Pham Hai Nam | Apprentice
With his background in Organization Studies, Nam is always fascinated by hoo-man gathering! He started hosting group processes that embody co-creative leadership with The Circle Way as a core practice when he was working in Japan. Since The Circle Way training in 2016 and the Art of Hosting in 2018, he has been acutely passionate about nurturing a community of “Circlers” in Viet Nam and bringing The Circle Way training into the local language. Nam and his fellows’ collective dream has manifested into the birth of Viet Nam Tron Lanh Network earlier this year. Nam also supports the values of circles through frequent hosting for the Centre for Holding Space’s foundation program as well as The Circle Way’s global community gatherings.
As a human in general, Nam loves doodling, bringing visual flares to support group conversations, laughing for no reason and contemplating uncertainty. Nam has a love-hate relationship with weightlifting, but he continues anyway! |